Saturday, February 5, 2011

Planting Time!!!

After neglecting my blog for months (oops!), I am back!  Now we'll see how much time I leave in between this post and my next post to determine if I really am "back".  :-)  And since mostly nothing in the way of 'gardening' has occurred since my September post, I feel just fine moving on to the here and now!  So here goes...

I can tell it is 'that' time of year by the commercials on TV advertising commercial grade herbicides and other similar products.  And by 'that' time of year, I of course mean planting time!  But Sara, have you looked out your windows lately?  Particularly after the HUGE snow storm that hit and is now pummeling the East Coast?  Yes, yes I have.  And as I stare out over the 4 foot snow drift that sits on my back porch, I imagine green grass and vegetable plants heavy with ripe fruit.  And I know that some day, months from now, I will no longer have to imagine it, because it will be real!  But not without some careful planning, and that begins now!

So far I have collected several seeds, mainly from joining a seeds of the month club.  The club has been providing me with four packets of seeds a month! (Seed Club which I highly recommend!)  I have also purchased Jiffy 5063 Seed Starting Mix - 16 Quart Bag, some plastic trays, and a long skinny table that will sit behind our couch in the sun with the seed trays on top.  In addition to these items I picked up some hot pepper seeds (they do not send hot pepper seeds from the seeds of the month club), and plan to get some more items next weekend at the Garden Expo!  (  And last, but probably the most important for the planning process, I have made three graphs of my garden plot.  I have yet to fill them in, but at least I started the process!  I made three graphs so that I can change my mind and not have to cross things out.  The graph making process involved going to the store to get a yard stick, because my 12 inch ruler wasn't quite long enough.  And that was making each foot of my garden only half an inch!  I wanted to make each foot a whole inch, but it turns out my paper isn't long enough for that.

I hope to have pictures up as soon as I plant my first seedlings.  That should be within the next couple of weeks!  Until then, happy gardening!


  1. I'm glad you're back. It is that time of year to start looking through the snow to check out signs of 'new life.' I know you will be starting peat pots inside before too long. It's certainly exciting to think about planting season in the midst of 3plus feet of snow on the ground. I use to enjoy going to G'dad Bill's Farm Supply Store this time of year to check out the smells of the spring herbicides etc. Looking forward to future blogs.
    Happy Getting Ready, Santo

  2. We just had about six unexpected inches of snow today. It's a perfect time to be thinking about planting season. The snow is light, fluffy, and easy to move. The temps. are moderate in the 20's. Each day we are gaining daylight and moving closer to spring. Yippee.

  3. I'm so glad to see you back again. Planting time already? Yay!!! Oh, wait, What? If you're planting now, I'm really behind...Yikes!

  4. Enjay-
    I am not sure if you are too far behind yet since South Carolina tends to be warmer longer then the frozen tundra of Wisconsin! I have only gotten the onions planted indoors so far, and they tend to take the longest. I am not doing broccoli, cauliflower, or asparagus, but I know other people in zone 5 who are and they planted those already too. I always feel a little odd planting things when there is snow still on the ground, but I know spring is coming!
