Friday, April 16, 2010

Adventures in Gardening: SURPRISE dilemma

I have been counting down the days until the garden will be rototilled for awhile now.  After being out of town last week, I have been extra busy moving stuff that is 'un-till-able' out of the garden.  On Tuesday I accidentally discovered some VERY un-till-able objects smack dab in the middle of my garden.  I was rather enthusiastically removing the hay I had piled up around the (as it turns out) NON-perenial  Basil and pulling out the twiggy stalks left behind.  

Upon removing a large chunk of hay I saw fur and then in rapid fashion baby rabbits jumping in all directions!  My jaw dropped.  Thought one was to just replace the hay, and leave.  Thought two involved a terrible image of what would happen if the bunnies were still there this weekend when the rototilling was to happen.  Which brought me to plan A:  Make a new nest outside of the garden.  It turns out that is what professionals suggest, since the mother rabbit will look for her babies and resume care if the nest is within 10 feet of the original location.  However, the babies did not want to stay in the new nest, so I went with plan B: Shoe box.  

I gathered them up along with the nest material, and put them in a large shoe box.  Since it was after hours for businesses, I contacted a woman near by who rehabilitates wildlife.  She suggested the humane society.  I ended up going with an emergency vet clinic that takes wildlife, after unsuccessfully trying to reach the 'wildlife' lady at the humane society.  All of this craziness just to find out that the bunnies were old enough to be on their own!  Oh well.  They are probably better off away from my garden and the neighbor's pitbull terrier.  I was rather shocked that they were old enough because they were so tiny!  So you can see what I mean, I have attached a few photos.  Photos of the bunnies, and then a photo of me holding a cat toy that is slightly bigger than the little babies.  I didn't want to freak them out anymore by handling them again, so that is why I used the toy.  And no, my cat's didn't get to play with the bunnies.  I am sure they would have loved it had I let them!  (Bad Kitties!)


  1. Sara, That was quite a story about the bunnies. it is right up there with some of your dad's stories. I'm glad you cared enough about them to get assistance. They certainly look tiny to be on their own. Good job.

  2. Oh my, Mr. Kitty, what big teeth you have.... Hey did you name one Peter Rabbit? Great job taking care of them.

  3. It's fun to see you taking such good care of those little bunnies. They are so cute. They are in the best of hands!
