I got all but one of my remaining pepper plants in the ground today. That included eleven plants I purchased at the store and three of my own plants that survived the damping-off debacle. That brings the grand total to 20 pepper plants, with one more on the way! I also got the replacement watermelon in the ground, so there are three watermelon plants in the mound once again! If the replacement dies off as well, I will probably put one of the left over pumpkins in it's place. There are two left over pumpkin seedlings, and they are desperate for more space! I have only kept them around in the event that they would be needed, so their days are numbered. Hang in there guys!
I also did some more weeding today and took some pictures of my plants' progress. Most everyone is doing well, which is great news! The weather this past weekend had me crossing my fingers, as it went back and forth between sun and torrential down pour Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I was afraid that the tiny pepper seedlings I had gotten in the ground before all the rain, might get flooded and die. Luckily they survived and will hopefully start to thrive! Of course more rain is in the forecast, so I might have to keep my fingers crossed a bit longer.
There appeared to be more nibbles on my cabbage baby plants, though what ever is doing the nibbling is rather selective. Only a couple of the plants have had their leaves nibbled and those plants aren't even right next to each other! I put down some blood meal today in hopes that the smell will drive away the culprit. I have no doubt that the cabbage will enjoy the extra nutrients, so it is a win-win... if it does the trick! And speaking of nibblers, I discovered two caterpillars on my parsley plant over the weekend. Most people would probably remove the caterpillars, since they can do quite a bit of damage with all the feeding they need to do. I, however, have left them to their munching. My parsley plant is rather large and can definitely sustain me and two caterpillars. I did not post any pictures of them in the album below, but I will in a future album I am putting together that will feature the 'Friends and Foes' of the insect world. Yep, I like bugs!
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