Monday, May 17, 2010

Wisconsin Weather

Dear Wisconsin Weather,

Oh how I wish you would make up your mind.  So far this month you have given us few warm sunny days, nights of frost and FREEZE advisories, extremely high winds, and more rain in a row then seems necessary.  This makes it very difficult to get anything significant done outside!  For when it wasn't raining, it was cloudy, keeping the ground wet and muddy.  And when it was clear out during the day, the temperatures dived to freezing or just above at night.  Not exactly something I want my seedlings to have to deal with.  And so I have been sitting here waiting; waiting for the ground to dry enough to plant in moist soil, not mud.  Waiting for it to be warm enough that I don't have to dress in winter clothes to keep from shivering when outside.  Waiting for the delayed April showers to end, so I can finally have some May flowers!

So if you could, Wisconsin Weather, please provide some sun and warmth.  It would be much appreciated!

Your Resident,

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